Assistant InstructorBrian Morrison Pat Wolfe passed his instructing position onto practiced builder, Brian Morrison, a former student of the Pat Wolfe Log Building School and Pat's past assistant Instructor. He is particularly interested in the traditional approaches to log building which he believes foster a culture which reduces the footprint of building construction has on the environment. Brian extends Pat's building values and priorities on site in the custom homes he creates and in the education he delivers. Brian is in complete agreement with Pat’s teaching methods. "I can identify with Pat’s mastery in how he builds handcrafted log buildings and interprets traditional methods of log home construction. Pat’s program of instruction has proven to be successful for over thirty years and his ability to train and supervise countless students with various skill levels is a demonstration of his proven methodology," says Brian. Brian is a member of the International Log Builders Association, & the Ontario Woodlot Association. |
InstructorStuart Morrison Stuart completed the Pat Wolfe timberframe course summer 2009 and the Log Building School course in fall 2010 by the age of 17. Since then Stuart has worked on 25 + different homes in the Ottawa Valley, and surrounding townships; working with local building companies including Kealey Tackaberry log homes, SLB Construction, and as an independent contractor. In the years since completing the course Stuart has practiced log craftsmanship through hands-on apprenticeships, practical work experience, and academia. He is currently pursuing a B.A. in Architecture at Carleton University in Ottawa, ON with a focus on conservation and sustainability. In 2010 Stuart apprenticed as a co-op student at a local architecture firm under Peter Mansfield, Architect. Since his return to hands-on log building in 2011 he has studied timber frame, traditional Scandinavian scribe methods of building, as well as assembling milled log or timber projects, creating furniture, installing decorative trusses and features on or in conventionally framed projects, and has even tried his hand with chainsaw carving. Stuart's passion for the history of log and timber craftsmanship and elegant home design make him a valued Instructor at Pat Wolfe Log Building School. |
FounderPat Wolfe Now acting as the executive Master Builder to the school, Pat offers valuable and irreplaceable insight to the program. In 1975, Pat invented the double bubble log scriber now used extensively in the industry. |